

made-in-the-usa Made in the U.S.A.

When ordering a route key-fob, please add your codes in the box below. For P1 key-fobs, please type "P1".
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The KF3 (coded key-fob) is a unique key-fob that can be programmed into any TriTeq lock.
For programming instructions please visit the support section on our website.

The P1 key-fob is the factory pre-programmed key-fob that must be
used to program your unique key-fob.
It can lock or unlock the lock as well.


Additional information

Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 1.5 × 2 × .2 in

Coded Key-fob, P1 Key-fob


Coded Key-fob, P1 Key-fob